What We Are Looking For:
• Event Photos: Photos from any regional or national church event in the US are welcomed for our event photo gallery. Photos should primarily give viewers a sense of what happened at an event and should generally contain two or more people in a photo.
• Nature Photos: Photographers are free to be creative and submit any high-quality photos they feel would be suitable for this website and/or other LM projects. Note: where necessary, photos will be resized and cropped to fit our design.How to Submit Photos:
• Upload your photos to any file sharing or social media website (e.g. Dropbox, Flickr, Facebook) and share them with content.manager@tjc.org.
• A batch of at least 10 photos is highly recommended.
Note: by submitting your photos, you are granting the USGA consent to freely use your submissions for Literary Ministry. The USGA will not publish your name, provide any compensation, or be under any obligation to use your submissions, and may remove any submission at her sole discretion.