Everything in this universe, from the tiny atom to the enormous galaxy, from the simplest cell to the most complex organism, testifies to the existence of an infinitely intelligent designer.
God is the ultimate designer.
At His word, the sun, the moon, and the stars came into being; and by His command, oceans, mountains, and rivers were formed.
God is the giver of life.
He created fishes, birds, land animals, insects, and plants. Most importantly, He made human beings in His image. He created us to carry His divine nature and to share His glory. Yet most of us have failed to acknowledge the Maker of all things, or to live as His children.
God is the master planner.
He who sustains the universe with His laws and maintains the cycle of life has also charted the course of His creatures. He has determined the times and boundaries for all people “so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27).
If you really stop to consider your life, you’ll probably find that some things that have happened seemed beyond your control—or perhaps determined by a “larger force.” God has His plan for each of us. It’s just a question of whether we’re willing to acknowledge His presence in our lives and entrust our lives to Him.
Complex forces and structures keep the universe in order. These enable us to exist today. From the macro world to the micro, we see precision, complexity, and purpose in existence. Nudge the earth a little off its path of orbit, and the temperature would cause all of life to die. Alter or remove a gene, and you might destroy the whole body. Such explicit design declares the existence of an intelligent creator.
God’s word
God has also revealed His existence and His plans for us through His own Word. The existence of the Bible and its lasting influence over thousands of years attest to something greater than the invention of man. How could forty different authors over a span of forty generations have presented such a consistent message of God and His divine plan unless He were real?
Our need for God
We can also know that God exists if we look into ourselves, and into our own lives. Our universal desire—found among people in every age and culture—to seek out and worship God affirms His existence. A person might win a million dollars, achieve a certain level of fame, or gain the love of others, but still seek something better that he or she knows exists “out there.” The fulfillment, the perfect goodness, the complete love we long for, truly exists; the delusion occurs when we fail to recognize we are really missing God.
Our experience of God
Our knowledge of God is not only based on inference. We can know He exists through experience. God directly intervenes in our lives, as testimony reveals. When we hear about a person healed from a fatal illness, or a baby found cradled safely in the limb of a tree after a tornado, we recognize that certain incidents cannot be rationally explained. There must be someone beyond our ordinary, “rational” world who has control over it: there must be God.
When we practice God’s word, we will see the results. When we pray as He instructed us, God listens, and answers our prayers. If we pray for the Holy Spirit, we will receive it, just as countless believers will testify. We can truly experience the power and joy of communing with God if we have the heart to seek Him.
God is spirit (Jn 4:24). Because we live in a physical universe, and we cannot see or touch God.
God is self-existent and eternal
He does not have a beginning or an end. The Lord God declared, “I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God” (Isa 44:6). No one ever brought God into being. He is the only God who made all things and gave life to every living creature.
God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present
As the creator and master of everything in existence, God is present everywhere and at all times. His Spirit pervades the entire universe (Eph 4:6). He sustains and rules over the whole creation with His almighty power. He also knows and sees everything, including the intentions of our hearts (Ps 147:5).
His nature is the absolute moral standard. There is nothing wicked in Him. In fact, He hates all evil. He expects all human beings, who have the ability to make moral choices, to imitate His divine nature.
He shows no partiality, but punishes the wicked and rewards the obedient. Everyone will have to give an account to God for his or her every deed before His judgement throne. He will condemn the wicked to eternal fire, and reward the obedient with eternal life.
He cares deeply about us because we are His children. Although He is just, He still shows mercy and much patience when we disobey Him, with the hope that we will change. He is ready to forgive us whenever we turn back to Him. He knows and sympathizes with our weaknesses and pain.
Great, you say. So God exists, and He really does “feel my pain.” But tell me, what has He actually done about it? If He wants us to believe in Him, why doesn’t He show Himself to us?
He did. God sent down His one and only Son to the earth, and through His Son, we see God Himself and His divine nature.