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Intro to Basic Beliefs

Jesus the True God

Does God Exist?

No one has ever seen God. How do we know that He indeed is real? The Bible reveals to us many ways that we can apprehend the existence of God.

Who Is God?

Who is God? What is His relationship with us as human beings?

God's Essence and Nature (1)

Almost every religion worships one or more gods, be it a physical idol or a deity. What is it about God’s essence and nature that ultimately make Him the God of all gods?

God's Essence and Nature (2)

What are the attributes of God that He also wants us to develop as we mature as Christians? What qualities do we need to have in order to truly live out God’s image as His chosen people?

Jesus, the Most Extraordinary Man

What do we know about Jesus who lived 2000 years ago, influenced history and forever changed our lives?

Jesus, the Son of God

Jesus, born through Mary 2,000 years ago, is called the Son of God. However, the Bible also reveals that Jesus was God manifested in the flesh. What exactly did Jesus say about Himself and how did He prove that He was God?

Jesus' Suffering Death

Jesus suffered many trials and died a very painful death on the cross, but He did so willingly and according to His higher purpose. What plan exactly did He have in mind, and what does this plan have to do with us?

Jesus' Resurrection

Three days after His crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead as He said He would. In fact, He’s still alive to this day and will live forever. Today, what does it mean to us as Christians that Jesus is alive?


The Bible Is Unique

The Bible is the most widely circulated and translated book of all time. What is it about this collection of ancient writings which we call the Bible that brings such profound impact on the world?

The Bible's Claim

The purpose of the Bible is unlike that of other literature. While the Bible records history, it is more than just history. The Bible records words claimed to be God’s words and claims to be the word of God Himself.

The Bible Is Inspired by God

Is the Bible indeed from God, or does it merely contain fiction or the insights of religious people? Can we trust the Bible and its teachings?

Benefits of the Bible

Since we have been separated from God because of our sin, we need the words of God to lead us back. Not only do the words of God show us the way of eternal life, they can transform us as we apply them to our lives.

Getting Started with the Bible

Where should I start? What can I do to get the most out of studying the Bible? How can I understand the more difficult passages? This video offers practical tips related to these common questions.


Why Church Is Important

Why do I need to join a church? Can’t I simply accept Jesus as my Savior and not be part of any church? Learn what the Bible teaches about why the church is of crucial importance to our relationship with Christ and to our salvation.

There Is One Body

There are tens of thousands of Christian denominations in the world. But this phenomenon is very different from the church we see in the Bible because the Bible consistently teaches that the body of Christ is one.

Where Is the One True Church Today? (1)

The one body of Christ is established by God. Today, God has established the True Jesus Church as the restoration of the one church in the Bible by pouring out His Holy Spirit as He did on the believers in the Bible.

Where Is the One True Church Today? (2)

The one body of Christ upholds one faith and administers one baptism. Today, the True Jesus Church preaches the one faith and practices the one baptism as the church in the Bible. By being baptized in the True Jesus Church, we are brought into the one body of Christ.


Baptism’s Place in the Gospel

What does water baptism have to do with our Lord Jesus Christ?

Water Baptism and the Forgiveness of Sins

What is it that Jesus wants to accomplish through our water baptism?

The Biblical Administration of Water Baptism

Is there more than one way to baptize? What does the word “baptism” actually mean?

New Life after Water Baptism

Apart from the remission of sins, what are the other spiritual effects of water baptism?

Household Baptism

We all want our loved ones to receive the grace of God’s salvation, including those who may be too young to understand the concept of sins. Are infants and children too young to receive baptism, then?

Holy Spirit

The Promised Holy Spirit

In this video series, we will learn about the Holy Spirit which we have been promised to receive, a precious gift that has much to offer alongside our journey to heaven.

The Holy Spirit Was Poured Out

In this video, we will learn what happened when the Holy Spirit was first poured out, from which we can also learn whether we have the Holy Spirit today.

Evidence of Receiving the Holy Spirit (1)

Today, some people from other denominations believe that they have received the Holy Spirit upon believing in Christ. However, that is not the case if we study the Acts of the Apostles thoroughly. What does the Bible really say?

Evidence of Receiving the Holy Spirit (2)

Today, some people from other denominations believe that they have received the Holy Spirit upon believing in Christ. However, that is not the case if we study the Acts of the Apostles thoroughly. What does the Bible really say?

How to Receive the Holy Spirit

God promised He will surely give the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him. What do we need to do on our part to receive this precious gift?

The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Believer (1)

Today, some people from other denominations believe that they have received the Holy Spirit upon believing in Christ. However, that is not the case if we study the Acts of the Apostles thoroughly. What does the Bible really say?

The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Believer (2)

Today, some people from other denominations believe that they have received the Holy Spirit upon believing in Christ. However, that is not the case if we study the Acts of the Apostles thoroughly. What does the Bible really say?


The Necessity of Footwashing

The sacrament of footwashing, instituted by the Lord Jesus, is necessary for our salvation. It enables us to have a part with the Lord.

The Washing of Love

Jesus loved His disciples to the end by washing their feet. Likewise, He extends His love to us by letting us have a part with Him through footwashing.

Footwashing for Today

The Lord Jesus washes the feet of believers today through His church. Receiving the footwashing sacrament is receiving the Lord Jesus.

Practical Teachings of Footwashing

Jesus’ footwashing offers important teachings for Christian living. It is a vivid reminder for believers to walk in righteousness and love one another.

Holy Communion

Jesus Instituted the Holy Communion

Jesus instituted the Holy Communion during the Last Supper and commanded His disciples to continue to observe the sacrament. The True Jesus Church, like the early church in the Bible, observes this sacrament in obedience to the Lord’s command.

The Bread and the Cup

In this video, we explain from the Bible the material that is used in the Holy Communion. But the Holy Communion is more than the physical food and drink. We believe Jesus’ words that by partaking of the bread and the cup, we have eternal life in Him.

Significance of the Holy Communion

The Holy Communion is rooted in the death of our Lord Jesus. In partaking of the Holy Communion, we remember the Lord Jesus and proclaim His death. It is a sacred occasion observed in a worthy manner.

The Holy Communion and Practical Living

Behind the Holy Communion are practical teachings that extend to our daily lives as believers. Watch this video and learn what the Bible says about how we are to live out the meaning of the sacrament.


The Importance of the Sabbath

Many Christians are familiar with the Sabbath. However, what is the significance behind it, and how exactly should we keep it according to the Bible?

When is the Sabbath Day

Is Sunday the Sabbath? No, it is on Saturday. In this video, we will cover when the Sabbath day is and why many Christians worship on Sundays.

God’s Commandment to Keep the Sabbath

Some people believe that Christians no longer need to keep the Sabbath today because the commandment has been done away with. Does the Bible really say that, or does it reflect the contrary?

Blessings of Keeping the Sabbath

Even though keeping the Sabbath is a commandment, God did not intend it to be a chore or burden for us. In fact, with the right mindset and attitude, we shall find great joy in the Lord on this day.


Why Do I Need to Be Saved?

Many of our non-believing friends may be familiar with the concept that our Lord Jesus died on the cross for our sins. However, the first reaction they may have when introduced to salvation is that they are not sinners, and therefore they do not need Jesus or to be saved by Him. This video explains why we, as mankind, all need Jesus’ salvation.

Who Can Save Me?

Some people may wonder, why can’t God simply forgive our sins? This video answers this question and explains why only Jesus can save us from the bondage of sin.

Saved by Grace

As Christians, salvation is a gift freely given to us because our Lord Jesus willingly gave up His life on the cross so that we may have eternal life. Isn’t His grace of salvation the most priceless gift one can ever receive?

What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Believing in Jesus is not simply a statement, or a conviction that He exists. In this video, we will discuss the true meaning of believing in Jesus.

Coming of Christ

Eagerly Awaiting Christ's Coming

The day of Christ’s coming may seem to be a dreadful day. But for believers, it is a day of salvation and joy.

When And How Will Christ Come?

If Jesus Christ is certainly coming again, when will He come, and what will His coming be like? See what Jesus Himself had to say about His coming.

Two Eternal Destinies

Our eternal destinies will be decided at the coming of the Lord Jesus. The choices we make now will determine what our destiny will be.

Preparing for Christ's Coming

Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus when He comes? How can we be ready for and be confident at His coming?

Be Watchful Until He Comes

Great deceptions and trials will precede the coming of Christ. What should we do to overcome them so that we may welcome the Lord when He comes?