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Although we know the importance of prayer for spiritual health, our pace of life and stress often cause us to neglect prayer. So how can we establish an effective prayer practice that will help us overcome our doubts and spiritual weaknesses? How can we learn to cherish prayer and allow it to nurture a deeper, vibrant, and more active connection with God?

Testimony: “We Thought We Were Just Passing By”

A widow recounts the terrifying experience of being caught in a fire, her last moments with her beloved husband, and how, despite it all, God has granted her peace, a resolute faith, and a renewed sense of purpose in life.

Theme: “ Spiritual Power from Prayer (Part 1)”

Spiritual power can transform our lives, granting us the ability to make wise, life-enhancing choices, and the resolve to keep to those decisions. How does this spiritual empowerment occur, and how should we reset our view on prayer to enable this transformation?

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