Hallelujah, In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I testify.
I am Dns. Mary Wong from Subang Jaya Church. I would like to share with all of you God’s blessing and guidance throughout my illness:
I’d been undergoing chemotherapy treatment in Sabah so that it would be easier for my siblings to take care of me. My younger sister would send me to the hospital for treatment; my elder sister would cook my choice of food for every single meal that she prepared. Thank God!
Since November last year, I had decided to continue my treatment at a hospital near my home in Subang. For the first few weeks, I was accompanied by my elder sister. She could not stay longer, however, as she needed to manage her business in Sabah, and to take care of my father who is a centenarian. After her return, there was only my son and I at home (as my daughter is working in the UK). My son is a pilot who flies around often. There will be times when he spends 2 to 3 days in another country before he returns home. It seemed like I would have to take care of myself.
When the time came for chemotherapy, I thought to myself, “What would happen if there is a mishap and I am all by myself after my chemotherapy?” Although I knew that God would be with me, my faith was not strong enough, so I asked God for help. In my distress, God sent an angel to me. Coincidentally, my nephew from Sabah came to Kuala Lumpur for his business and stayed with me for a few days. After his return, my son returned after his duties overseas. Thank God for these wonderful arrangements; in times of need, He sent helpers to me. However, time passed by swiftly. In the twinkling of an eye, it was time for my next treatment. I thought to myself that apart from prayers, there was nothing else that I could do.
Thank God, He sent another helper over. An Indonesian maid who has been with me for 11 years arrived just a day before my treatment in January this year. Hence I could go for my treatment peacefully on the following day. Thank God for His guidance and preservation that I was able to experience His care for me! In our life’s journey, it is unavoidable that we face challenges and troubles. It is important for us to be willing to entrust and rely on God who will surely provide and guide us through. For God “comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:4).
In February, my maid went back to Indonesia to deal with a work permit issue. Supposedly, her return should be in March. However, the pandemic had erupted globally, and many countries were implementing the ‘closed borders’ policy which deterred traveling. Hence, she could not return to Malaysia. Nonetheless, God really loves me. Many airlines, including the one my son is working for, were grounded. For the subsequent chemotherapy sessions, my son was at home. Thank the Lord, He has prepared for me. My son has been with me during my treatment over these few months. I would like to also thank the Central Region brothers & sisters in West Malaysia for visiting and preparing healthy food for me. May God remember your love.
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. May God continue to strengthen us with His power and faith, and may His will be done. May all glory be to our Abba Father, who has sacrificed His life for us. Amen!
Dated: 21/6/2020