In our Christian life, as we walk along this straight and narrow path, there are times when we stray. At other times, we fall into a stupor, drifting from day to day, and allowing other worldly pursuits take priority. At such times, God sends us a wake-up call to which we should take heed…
Hallelujah! The grace of God is for all who come to Him in prayer. This is my testimony.
My siblings and I were baptised in late 1967 together with our mum. Our dad had already been already baptised way before us. My siblings and I grew up attending Sabbath services and religious education classes in the Ipoh church at Green Lane. As I went on to secondary school and college, I mingled with and formed lasting friendships and relationships with non-TJC members. Henceforth, my priorities changed with regards to my religious obligations to God and the church.
For some 20 years or so, attending Sabbath service had become an intermittent affair to be indulged in only when it was convenient for me to do so. This carried on until my parents got ill from age-related problems—that was when I realised that I needed to seek God’s peace and solace. I started praying and going to church on a more regular basis. However, the actual “push” only came when a very senior sister stepped down from the committee as she felt that she had served the Lord for many years and it was time to groom younger members to serve in the committee. This began my journey to search for the truth and to strengthen my faith.
All these years, my husband, Henry, had always remained as a truth-seeker. He would attend evangelical services now and then but he never felt the need for God, nor did he have any form of religious belief in his life. Then, in June 2019, he was diagnosed with a malignant growth in his ascending colon. At this time of distress, with the ensuing consultations and decision-making, the family and the church came together to pray for him.
“The Lord has heard my cry for mercy, the Lord accepts my prayer.” (Psalm 6:9)
Henry’s relationship with God began at the time of his first hospitalisation. From that day on, he has been praying every day. At this time of uncertainty and helplessness, I thank God for opening his heart to accept the prayers and visits of the TJC ministers, brothers and sisters that have given him a lot of comfort and solace.
The next few months of chemotherapy sessions and the operation were a real test. Through the pain and discomfort, and through the uncertainty of complications, we knew that God has been walking with us every step of the way. Prior to each procedure, we would pray for God’s guidance to make the right decision and for God’s hand to guide the doctors and surgeon.
Henry is now in remission and on the road to recovering his strength and stamina. He’d been attending Friday night services for the last six months before the lockdown due to Covid-19. We pray that he will continue to seek the Lord and His comfort constantly. May God guide him on the way to salvation.
“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” (1 Chronicles 16:11)
Believers who are strong in their faith in God and are baptised in the true church have peace at all times, knowing that God is with them through trials and tribulations. For those of us who are weak, may we reflect on our past life and remember the instances when we experienced God’s presence. Let us not be too busy to take note. Instead, let us pray constantly for God to give us His wisdom to discern between right and wrong, to strengthen our faith in Him and to seek Him in our times of need. God will walk with us if we seek to walk with Him.
“And listen to the cry and the prayer which Your servant is praying before you.” 2 Chronicles 6:19b
God’s peace be with you all.
All glory to God.