Hallelujah. Firstly, I would like to send greetings of peace to all readers.
I am Bro. Woltin from Sabah (East Malaysia). I was baptized in 1997 at Malacca where I am presently residing. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I would like to share and bear testimony about a vision I had witnessed.
Pr. Ko Hong-hsiung from Germany was admitted to the Malacca Pantai Hospital at the end of the World Delegates Conference which was held in Olive Garden, Port Dickson. He was diagnosed with brain hemorrhage. His condition was so serious that he could lose his life at any time. As such, he underwent a brain surgery.
After being warded for several days, he was discharged and was allowed to convalesce at the residence of a church member in Malacca. His next appointment with the doctor was a week later, and he was advised not to travel too frequently.
On April 11, 2009, he attended the Sabbath service (two days after being discharged). Out of his great zeal to serve the Lord, Pr. Ko requested to deliver the sermon during the service. His frail condition actually caused some anxiety among the brethren, including myself.
I underwent ear surgery two years back due to a viral infection. I can understand how weak the body can be after surgery as I had been unable to stand for a long period of time. What more for Pr. Ko to deliver a sermon for an hour. I did not know how it felt to have undergone brain surgery, but I was sure that his ability to balance would be affected as this was what I had experienced. I was so worried that the preacher would fall. In anxiety, I bowed my head, closed my eyes and prayed in silence to God that nothing untoward would happen.
When my prayer ended, I looked up and saw five angels dressed in white with huge white wings reaching the ceiling (refer to the illustration below). They all had a very pleasant countenance and were standing within the pulpit area. Each of them were holding something in their hands. Two angels—each standing beside the preacher and the interpreter respectively—were holding large books (approximately B5-sized) in their right hand.
There were another two angels standing behind the preacher and interpreter, each holding a staff in his right hand. There was another angel at the center, who stood between the preacher and interpreter, and held a drawn sword with its sharp edge pointing to the ground. The vision was seen in a passing moment but it was very clear and left a very vivid impression in me.
I am not certain of the intended purpose and meaning of the objects held in the hands of the angels, but I am certain that this vision has greatly edified and strengthened my faith. Often, we manifest our lack of faith and are troubled by many concerns and fears towards the world, as seen in the servant of the Lord (2 Kgs 6:15–16). We forget that God has entrusted His angels to take charge of us at all times (Ps 34:7). Paul says that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ—not even death. This is true as long as we preserve our devotion and faithfully put all our trust in the Lord.
May all glory be given to God. Amen.