By the Grace and Mercy of the Lord–My Daughter, En-min
Klang Church | Deacon Matthias Ho
In the name of our Lord Jesus, I continue this part two of my testimony. Next, I would like to testify about God’s protection during a car accident.
When God bestowed me with a son in 2004, I thought in my heart if God was willing, He would bestow upon me a daughter too. Thank God, my wife’s pregnancy was confirmed in 2007 and we were blessed with a daughter. Since my wife gave birth to our son naturally, we thought our daughter will be delivered through natural birth as well. As such, we were not overly concerned with her second pregnancy. During her pregnancy, my wife still busied herself with work and even traveled overseas for work assignments twice. She would even hold video conferences with her overseas colleagues at night. It was her busiest time during December.
In mid-January 2008, my wife began to develop signs of edema during her second trimester. At that point of time, we all thought that it was a normal occurrence during pregnancy, so we did not pay much attention to it.
On January 24, 2008, my wife went to work as usual and suddenly she realized that the swelling had worsened—even her eyes had become swollen. Hence, she decided to consult the doctor. Prior to leaving the office, she brought along her laptop, hoping to get some work done while waiting for her appointment. She then drove alone to the hospital. Upon examination at the hospital, she was informed by the doctor that her systolic blood pressure had shot up to 200 mmHg. The doctor immediately advised her to be hospitalized to undergo further tests.

In most cases, when one’s systolic blood pressure reaches as high as 200 mmHg, one will experience dizziness or nausea, and in serious cases, blood vessels may even burst which will result in a stroke. However, under the preservation of God, she was completely unaware of the gravity of her situation and was still able to drive to the hospital by herself safely.
When I arrived at the hospital after being informed of her situation, she was already in the labor and delivery ward, and was on drips to lower her blood pressure. Her pressure was constantly monitored every 10 minutes. At that time, her blood pressure had dropped to approximately 170-180 mmHg. According to the doctor, if her blood pressure did not drop, a surgery would be performed to deliver the baby by cesarean section. Upon hearing this, I still did not feel the seriousness of the situation as premature birth was relatively common. We prayed together in the labor ward, entrusting everything into the hands of God.
That night, the doctor came to the ward and informed that she was suffering from edema; and both her urinary protein level and blood pressure remained very high. He suspected my wife was suffering from a type of pregnancy-related illness—preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a type of pregnancy-induced hypertension. It is estimated that one out of 20 pregnant women suffers from this condition. It can induce convulsions which accounts for 10 percent of maternal deaths during pregnancy or at birth. If the blood pressure does not fall, it could affect kidney functions, leading to kidney failure. This would damage the placenta; consequently, the fetus would not be able to absorb the proper nutrients that are needed for growth and ultimately result in the death of the fetus.
It was only then we realized the seriousness of the situation. The doctor told us that he would prescribe some medication and continue to monitor her blood pressure. He would also conduct further tests to check her kidney. However, we would only know the result of the tests the following day. After discussion, we decided to send text messages to the church ministers and brethren; requesting them to intercede for us.
It was a long and sleepless night, occasionally disturbed by the sound of the various medical instruments used by the nurses who were doing their routine duties. During this helpless and faithless moment, what one can do was to only wait, pray and entrust … While I laid down on the sofa and prayed in silence, I gradually fell asleep. In this state of semi-consciousness, I suddenly woke up and continued to pray in silence. While I was recalling my shortcomings, I began to count the grace of God and prayed to the Lord for mercy. Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind—If the Lord was willing and my wife would give birth to my daughter peacefully, I will name her En-min which means, do not forget the grace and mercy of God.
It was a long and sleepless night, occasionally disturbed by the sound of the various medical instruments used by the nurses who were doing their routine duties. During this helpless and faithless moment, what one can do was to only wait, pray and entrust … While I laid down on the sofa and prayed in silence, I gradually fell asleep. In this state of semi-consciousness, I suddenly woke up and continued to pray in silence. While I was recalling my shortcomings, I began to count the grace of God and prayed to the Lord for mercy. Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind—If the Lord was willing and my wife would give birth to my daughter peacefully, I will name her En-min which means, do not forget the grace and mercy of God.
Thank God for allowing us to meet a good doctor, who not only cured her physical illness but was also concerned about our practical needs.
The estimated medical expenses could have been a great burden to us. But thank God, through His arrangement, we did not have to bear this burden. Moreover, the facilities and equipment of the new hospital were brand new, and the medical personnel was highly competent. We felt reassured that the facilities of the public hospital were indeed adequate.
After being admitted to the new hospital, the adequate facilities and nice environment slightly brought us some relief. The medical treatment proposed by the doctor was to control the blood pressure through medication and to allow the fetus to grow in the mother’s womb for as long as possible. My wife took different forms of medication—oral, injections and drips—but her blood pressure continued to remain at a high level. For a week, I rushed to and fro my office, my home, the church, and the hospital. The doctor said that my wife’s blood pressure and urinary protein level remained constantly high. Consequently, her kidneys could not function efficiently, which could pose a danger to the mother’s health. The doctor said that the fetus may need to be delivered prematurely in order to protect the mother’s life.
However, the fetus was still very small—only about six months old. If her lungs could not fully develop, she may die at birth due to her inability to breathe. But the doctor gave her an injection to strengthen and speed up the development of the fetus’ lungs. Even then, the fetus was still too small—estimated to be weighing only 700 g—and therefore, her rate of survival was only 50 percent. If any unforeseen complications arise, the mother’s life would be given first priority. However, he also comforted us—he was confident that with the current technology, the incubator can sustain a baby weighing only 650 g. We prayed together after informing my wife on this matter.
As it was the first time we encountered such a situation, we entrusted this life-and-death situation into the hands of God in our prayers. However, while I was signing the consent form, a flow of warmth filled my heart.
Soon after, the nurse informed us that the doctor had decided to perform the operation at 2 am, as the mother’s condition was critical and could not be delayed further. However, in order to avoid any uncontrollable bleeding during the surgery, further medication was required to lower her blood pressure. Once again, text messages were sent out; requesting for intercessions. Thank God, the ministers and brethren drove over an hour to visit us at the hospital; encouraging us and prayed for us. On the same night, we were unable to sleep. As the blood pressure was still very high at 2 am, the operation was aborted. We continued to wait for the medication to take effect. Eventually, the doctor decided to go ahead with the operation.
Prior to the operation, the nurse handed us the surgical consent form. As it was the first time we encountered such a situation, we entrusted this life-and-death situation into the hands of God in our prayers. However, while I was signing the consent form, a flow of warmth filled my heart.
At 4 am, I accompanied my wife all the way from the ground floor labor ward to the upper level operating theater. Finally, I came to a point where I was no longer allowed to go further; she had slowly wheeled away until she disappeared from my sight. Then, many thoughts ran in my mind. There would be a stage in our path in which we have to walk alone, where even our closest kin would not be able to accompany us. Only the Lord Jesus is able to accompany us all the way until the end.
The nurse told me that the operation would take around two hours. After the surgery, my wife would be immediately transferred to the ICU room through another exit. I waited in the ice-cold waiting room and watched the medical personnel working, handing over duties and busy preparing for off duty. When the cold became unbearable, I went to the car park and stayed inside the car. But I soon realized that it was a locally assembled car without a heating system. I prayed out loud and my heart was comforted. I dared not stay in the car too long as I did not want to miss any updates of the operation. For this reason, I returned to the waiting room. It was until daybreak that I stopped doing this routine. However, I did not receive any news from the nurses. This was a test of time, not knowing what the will of God was. All I could do was to submit to His guidance. Just as the Lord taught me to lie prostrate on the ground and submit to Him, He also taught me to entrust our lives into His hand.
At 10 am, the medical personnel informed that my wife had been transferred to the ICU, but I was not allowed to visit her.
Our child was in the premature baby ICU, where parents are allowed to visit. After asking about the location, I rushed to the ICU with great anxiety but felt more relaxed after a silent prayer. The nurse led me to the incubator. Looking at my child, I felt so much love and pity for her. Her head was only the size of a palm, and her arm was as thin as a finger. Many instrumental tubes and sensors were attached to her tiny body. The doctor said that she has not learned how to breathe yet, and needed medical equipment to assist her breathing. However, the doctor continued to say that her lungs seemed to be working fine at that moment. It is a grace to be able to breathe and we should not take it for granted. Thank the Lord, for adding this child in our family. Filled with thanksgiving, I sent out text messages to all the brethren and thank them for their intercessions and encouragements.
As my daughter was born prematurely and weak, many of her organs were not fully developed yet. As such, she had to remain in the incubator for over four months.
Thank God, it was God that comforted me when I was weak and helpless in this trial.
Thank God, although my child born prematurely and weighing only 726 gm, God had allowed her lungs to function normally; overcoming the first hurdle to survival.
Subsequently, I visited my wife in the ICU waiting for her blood pressure to drop and her kidneys to become functional again. As I told her about our child, she too told me that the grace of God was with her in the entire operation.
Due to her physical condition and anxiety, general anesthesia was not administered. Therefore, she was conscious and fully aware of what was happening. During the operation, her blood pressure shot up to 300 mmHg and the doctor kept reminding her not to become nervous. Thank God, despite her extremely high blood pressure, she did not bleed continuously during the operation nor was there any other emergency complication.
When my daughter was just delivered, she had cried out loudly. The doctor immediately told my wife that it was an indication that her lungs were functioning well. The doctor also said that generally, premature babies (27 weeks old) are unable to cry out at birth.
After her birth, my wife recuperated in the hospital for a week and she was allowed to return home. As my daughter was born prematurely and weak, many of her organs were not fully developed yet. As such, she had to remain in the incubator for over four months. By the preservation and continued protection of the Lord, my daughter was able to survive in the following months.
The following are some testimonies of the important grace that we have received during these few months.
As my daughter’s respiratory system was not fully developed at birth, her oxygen intake rate was very low. Under normal conditions, she was unable to breathe and had to rely on pure oxygen. If a baby relies on pure oxygen for an extended period of time and the oxygen concentration is too high, the baby might become blind. Thank God, although she was unable to breathe on her own, she did not require a high concentration of oxygen and her breathing remained stable. Moreover, after the 12th day, she no longer had to rely on pure oxygen.

But while she was still in the post-operative observation room, her breathing suddenly stopped. After the immediate resuscitation efforts, she started breathing normally again.
Once, at 3 am, we received a phone call from the hospital, informing us that my daughter’s breathing was uneven. There was no improvement in her condition despite attempts to use different methods, including changing of tubes. According to the hospital policy, the hospital had to inform the parents about the situation. Parents must then make a decision on whether they wanted to see the child. From that phone call, I presumed they were trying to inform us that our daughter might not be able to make it through the night. Before we set off, we knelt to pray for God’s will to be fulfilled and entrusted everything into His hands. After driving for approximately one hour, we reached the hospital’s ICU. The nurse informed that my daughter’s breathing had stabilized not long after she put down the phone. After checking the time, we realized that it was approximately the time when we knelt to pray.
As my daughter’s digestive organs were not fully developed, milk was fed through a feeding tube. As a result, her stomach was often bloated and she had to fast. There was a time when her weight fell to only 600 gm and she often suffered from sepsis that required blood transfusion from my wife. From what I can remember, she needed at least 10 blood transfusions. Despite all these, she continued to show strong signs of life.
Due to her premature birth, her heart was not fully developed. The doctor discovered one of her heart valves could not close completely, resulting in the mixing of blood, i.e., “a hole in the heart.” The doctor said that they would continue to monitor her condition, and there might be a need for surgical treatment. We thought to ourselves: “The child is so small and so weak. How can she possibly survive such an operation?” We then sent out text messages to request for the church’s intercession. Thank God, the results of a further test conducted by the doctor concluded that the valve had closed itself.

On another occasion, the doctor found that my daughter’s lungs were infected. The x-ray showed that both lungs had turned white. The doctor explained that this was a severe form of infection as the lungs had become entirely infected. We sent out text messages once again for intercession. Thank God that after the medical treatment, my daughter managed to recover completely.
My daughter developed an inguinal hernia on both sides of her abdomen which caused a shift in the position of the small intestines. She was transferred to another hospital for surgery and the operation was successful. But while she was still in the post-operative observation room, her breathing suddenly stopped. After the immediate resuscitation efforts, she started breathing normally again.
This is a rare disease; and the only symptom was a prolonged fever. Initially, the pediatrician diagnosed her as having an ordinary fever.
When my daughter was over four months old and after her condition improved, she was allowed to return home. While at home, she contracted the Kawasaki disease due to a bacterial infection.
This disease could result in the swelling of the blood vessels in the heart, which might lead to heart diseases in the future. If she could not fully recover, she has to return to the hospital for constant checkups, even after she has grown up. This is a rare disease, and the only symptom was a prolonged fever. Initially, the pediatrician diagnosed her as having an ordinary fever. The doctor had suspected Kawasaki disease only after my daughter had been admitted to the hospital for further tests. The doctor then advised that she needed to be sent to the hospital where she was delivered so that more detailed tests could be conducted. Initially, the two trainee doctors were unable to determine the cause of the infection. Subsequently, the attending doctor did further tests and he confirmed that it was Kawasaki disease. Medical treatment was promptly administered. The doctor said that medical treatment had to be given within 10 days from the onset of the disease; otherwise, it would be too late.
Thank God even after having undergone a series of tests, my daughter was still within the time frame to receive treatment on the seventh day. Subsequently, after approximately one year of follow-up visits to the hospital, the doctor confirmed that she had been completely cured.
During this period, my wife had to go to the hospital frequently and when my daughter was discharged, she had to look after her at home. My wife had thought that she could no longer work anymore. Another mother, whose baby was also in the premature intensive care ward, had been pressured by her boss to quit her job because of this situation. Unexpectedly, God allowed my wife to have an understanding and compassionate boss, who actually allowed her to work from home for a few months—at least until my daughter was completely recovered.
The total medical expenses incurred during her stay in the hospital was affordable and within our budget. If my wife had stayed in the private hospital, based on our calculations, the medical charges would have been equivalent to buying a house.
Under the grace, compassion, and protection of the Lord, my daughter is two years old (as of the time of this testimony) and growing healthily. We would also like to thank the brethren in Malaysia and overseas for their unceasing prayers, and for being with my family through these difficult times. I am indeed touched in my heart, which is beyond words.

Thank God, that He has led us through the shadows of the valley of death; and allowed us to experience what it means to entrust in Him—in life and death situation. Most importantly, He had allowed us to experience Him by our side throughout the entire process; telling us personally, “It’s me, do not be afraid.” What I have experienced is indeed beyond words. All I can do is to prostrate humbly before God, to give all praises and glory to the holy name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!