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Brief Report of Preacher Huang Pastoral Works in TJC Sg Petani/Pengkalan Hulu /Alor Setar

Venue: Sungai Petani

  • Date: 9/9/2018 Seminar ~ Family Altar
  • Date: 10/9/2018 Special Topic ~ The Role of Brothers in the Church
  • Date: 24/9/2018 Special Topic ~ The Role of Sisters in the Church
Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

Venue: Pengkalan Hulu Evangelical Centre

  • Date: 25/9/2018 ~ Family Service
Pengkalan Hulu Evangelical Centre ~ Family Service
Pengkalan Hulu Evangelical Centre ~ Family Service

Program: Northern Region Ministers Spritual Nurture

  • Date: 15 September 2018 – 17 September 2018
  • Venue: Grace Garden(蒙恩园), Tapah
  • Topic: The Service of Elijah
  • Attendance : 15
Group Photo Taken at 蒙恩园
Group Photo Taken at 蒙恩园
Sharing and Tea Session at 蒙恩园
Sharing and Tea Session at 蒙恩园
Visit Evangelical Point at Brinchang, Cameron Highland
Visit Evangelical Point at Brinchang, Cameron Highland
Visitation to Smoke House, Cameron Highland
Visitation to Smoke House, Cameron Highland
Visitation to Tapah Prayer House
Visitation to Tapah Prayer House
Penang Church & Bayan Church Ministers Hymn Sharing
Penang Church & Bayan Church Ministers Hymn Sharing
Ministers Spiritual Nurture at 蒙恩园
Ministers Spiritual Nurture at 蒙恩园

Venue: Alor Setar

  • Program: Q & A Session
Group Photo taken at Alor Setar Church
Group Photo taken at Alor Setar Church

Program:Central Region Ministers, Church Committee and Pulpit Ministry Seminar 2018 Central Region-Seminar on Torah

  • Date:31th Aug – 2nd Sept 2018
  • Time: 8.30 am – 4.30 pm
  • Venue:Kajang Church
  • Lecturer: Eld. Chen Sheng-Quan
  • Interpreters: Bro. Chin Ling Qian, Sis. Lee Wai Han and Bro. Larry Lee
  • Attendance:120 participants

We thank our Lord Jesus Christ that through His wonderful arrangement, the Central Region (CR) ministers, church committee members and those involved in the pulpit ministry from all the CR churches were able to participate in a special seminar on the introduction to the Technology of the Torah conducted by Eld. Chen Sheng-Quan of the Taiwan GA. As the seminar was held on two days (31 August and 2 September 2018) in Kajang Church, participants were able to appreciate the Pentateuch’s historical background and grasp the importance of understanding the Pentateuch. Eld. Chen further expounded on the pivotal themes of the Pentateuch and stressed their importance to our spiritual life. Through the love of the Kajang Church, participants were also treated to sumptuous lunches and tea breaks. We thank Eld. Chen for sharing his spiritual knowledge with us and Kajang church for her hospitality! May all glory and praise be ascribed unto our Lord Jesus Christ!

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

Program:The Central Region (CR) Marriage Seminar

  • Date: 19th Aug 2018
  • Venue: Botanic Church
  • Speaker: Elders Chen Sheng-Quan
  • Attendance: 160

The Central Region (CR) Marriage Seminar was held at Botanic Church on 19th August 2018 from 9 am to 12 pm. Eld. Chen Sheng-Quan was the speaker from the General Assembly of Taiwan. 160 members from various CR churches participated in this seminar.

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018
Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

Marriage Counsellors’ Training (13-14 & 20-21 October 2018)

Sis Huang Jung Jung, the wife of Pr Huang Yao Chen, a professionally trained counsellor in Taiwan assisted in training our 1st batch of candidates in marriage counselling. She shared much of her experience & techniques in helping couples with marital and relationship problems in society and in Church. She shared a completely different aspect from what we normally understand about counselling work and how we can see beyond superficial issues and treat the root causes.

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018
Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

The candidates of marriage counselling will be evaluated throughout these 2 years in areas of their spiritual cultivation, their own marital relationship, their commitment & effort in caring for a relationship of other couples and assignments assigned, in order to determine their suitability to take on the role & responsibilities of a Counselor.

Marriage Counsellors’ Training

Speaker: Sis Huang Jung Jung

  • Bayan Baru Church (15.10.2018)
  • Bercham Church (16.10.2018)
  • Petaling Jaya Church (17.10.2018)
  • Skudai Church (18.10.2018)
  • Seremban Church (19.10.2018)
Bayan Baru Church
Bayan Baru Church
Bercham Church
Bercham Church
Petaling Jaya Church
Petaling Jaya Church
Skudai Church
Skudai Church
Seremban Church
Seremban Church

National Choir Masters’ Meeting (9 Nov 2018)

The Pastoral Affairs Department called for a meeting of with our Choir leaders to elect the members of the Sacred Music Council (SMC) and to improve on our Praise & Worship sessions (Worship, Choir). Sis Loke Wai Leng (Cheras), Sis Chin Phei Chein (PJ), Sis Sharon Chang (JB), Sis Elaine Lai (Kajang), Sis Chang Fu Mei (PJ) were being voted in.

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

National Interpreters Training (4–5 August 2018)

Sis Lydia Teh, professional trained as an interpreter, came over from Singapore to help train our interpreters in various interpreting techniques, namely “How to Deal with Difficulties”, “Public Speaking Skills and Coping Tactics (Comprehension, Preventive, Reformulation)”.

Importantly, all interpreters were reminded that, besides praying and preparing, linguistic capability, bible knowledge and accuracy are cores to being faithful in the work of interpreting. Being able to converse in 2 languages doesn’t naturally make one a possible interpreter, one ought to carefully consider one’s capability as this pertains to conveying the Word of God to feed the flock.

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

Program:Foreign Assistant from Sabah & Indonesia Preachers

In June 2018, Pr. Petrus Xie (Indonesia) and Pr. Neria Sepau (Sabah) assisted with the pastoral work in all the four regions in West Malaysia, including the spiritual meeting with the theme, “Those Who Are Lukewarm Will Be Spit Out”, evangelical services and visitations.

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018
Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

Program: Tamil-Speaking Fellowship and Pastoral Work

The India Coordination Board (ICB) had sent Pr. Andrew Nickelson to assist with the pastoral and evangelical works among the Tamil-speaking members. A spiritual meeting was conducted with the theme, “Oh Lord, Please Stay This Year”. This work was assisted by two local ministers: Dn. Titus Hee and Dn. Isaiah Chang.

Church News 004 – Pastoral – 2018

Program: Training of Orang Asli & Sabahan Workers @ April 2018

Workers’ Training Seminar was conducted in each region by Pr. Hana Viviana and Dn. Isaiah Chang to motivate and equip more members for evangelical work. Pr. Hana shared her first work experience on an isolated island, Pulau Bangka, after graduating from the Theological Seminary. She was posted there for seven months with only two members on the island.

Training at Johor Jaya
Training at Johor Jaya
Training at Johor Jaya
Training at Johor Jaya
Group Photo at Batu 8, Tapah
Group Photo at Batu 8, Tapah
Group Discussion at Pengkalan Hulu
Group Discussion at Pengkalan Hulu