Regional Religious Education Teachers Dialogue
As we entered into new year 2021, the pandemic in Malaysia remained severe. In order not to affect the progress of the Religious Education (RE) Teachers Dialogue the Educational Affairs (EA) Department of the General Assembly hosted the RE Teachers Dialogue via Zoom and interacted virtually with the RE chairman, RE coordinators and RE teachers of all the regions. The speaker was Pr. Nahum Lim and the dialogue was held from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
The three objectives of the dialogue were:
- To allow the EA Department to understand the local churches’ RE situation.
- To gather our the RE teachers for spiritual nurture.
- To equip the teachers with the concept, spirit and knowledge of serving the Lord.
- The dialogue in the Central Region was held on 24 January 2021 with a total of 108 participants.
- The dialogue in the Southern Region was held on 31 January with 52 participants.
- The dialogue in the Northern Region was held on 21 February with 30 participants.
- The dialogue in the Perak Region was held on 27 March with 19 participants.
National Intermediate Youth Bible Camp
The National Intermediate Youth Bible Camp was held via Zoom platform from the 28th to 31st March 2021 (Sunday – Wednesday). Under the arrangement of respective local churches, some students gathered in the church to participate in the online Bible Camp using a single Zoom account while the rest joined from their own houses. The theme for this year’s Bible Camp was the Challenges of Faith. The class-in-charge was Pr. Nahum Lim with Pr. Ezekiel Chang as the discipline master. Besides the two preachers, Dns Ruth Chin was also one of the speakers.
Apart from the main lessons, the preachers also led the bible reading and prayer sessions. There were also life education classes which incorporated critical thinking skills. Thirteen facilitators from the English and Chinese-speaking groups also participated and assisted 10 groups of students in their exploration in the life education lessons.
A total of 81 students participated in this online Bible Camp. Despite the limitation, the lessons were conducted online to ensure that students could still acquire spiritual food. We thank the Lord Jesus for His guidance that the National Intermediate Youth Bible Camp was carried out smoothly. May all glory be given unto His name!