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God’s Wonderful Grace, Mercy and Love (1)

Petaling Jaya Church  |  Brother Seth Chong Quan Jing |Audio

Chronology of My Covid-19 battle from July-August 2021

  • 14th to 17th July – Symptoms appeared, I took the RT-PCR test.
  • 18th to 22nd July – RT-PCR result was positive, I was asked to follow Home Quarantine guidelines.
  • 22nd July (midnight; or 23rd early morning) to 2nd August – I was hospitalized for 11 days (1 day in Normal Isolation ward; 1 day in HDU; 3 days in ICU and 6 days in Normal
    Isolation ward).
  • 3rd August – I was discharged.
  • From the months of August to October- Had follow-up checks.


In the name of Jesus Christ, I bear testimony. I am Seth Chong from Petaling Jaya True Jesus Church. I would like to testify to God’s mercy and grace in healing me when I contracted Covid-19 stage 4 in 2021. I would like to thank everyone – all family members, relatives, brothers, sisters, Elders, Deacons and Preachers – for your care, concern and prayers for me and my family.

My Symptoms, Quarantine and God’s Grace on My Mother.

On the morning of 14th July, I accompanied my mother to the Vaccination Centre for her Covid-19 vaccination. Due to the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO), only the person to be vaccinated was allowed entry. Thus, I waited outside the vaccination centre. It so happened that a church brother was also there as he too could not enter. So, we stood outside and chatted for some time. I went home after my mom got her vaccination. However, a few hours later, I had an uncomfortable feeling and started to feel tired and cold. My mother checked my temperature, I had a slight fever. I took some Panadol (pain killer) and slept.

The next day (15th July), I was still feverish with body temperature ranging from 37.0 to 38.0. On the 16th, my fever started to subside a little and I was feeling better. On the 17th, I was able to join the Sabbath services as well as interpret during the Youth Service. After the service, I had my dinner, but I felt uneasy again during the meal. My fever came back in the course of the evening and my body temperature kept rising. Around midnight, I was unable to tolerate the high fever, and I went with my mom to the Sunway Medical Centre for a check-up as all my past medical records were kept there. We went to the Emergency Unit and told the doctor about the fever. Until then, my mother and I only assumed that the cause of my fever was an inflammation of my tonsils since I have had tonsilitis issues from a young age. We thought it was probably a case of severe tonsillitis. The doctor checked my throat and found no swelling of the tonsils and a blood test was conducted to confirm the diagnosis. We waited for 30 minutes, and the result indicated a viral infection. Because it was a viral infection, and not just a bacterial infection, the doctor requested a swab test to be done to determine the cause of the viral infection. So, we went home to wait for the RT-PCR test report.

On the afternoon of 18th July, we received a call from the Sunway Medical Centre and it was confirmed that the viral infection was caused by the Covid-19 virus. We were told to observe Home Quarantine protocols and to have my condition monitored frequently. My condition only got worse. My temperature went up to 39°C with the highest being 39.9°C. I needed ice packs every few hours to keep my temperature down. At that point I had no appetite to eat, was lethargic, and used whatever energy I had only to drink water to keep hydrated. I also had mild diarrhoea but was vomiting a lot.

I thank God for His love, mercy, and preservation of my mother. Before I was quarantined in my room, my mother was in very close contact with me as she took care of me without wearing a face mask, and we ate at the same table. Thank God her two RT-PCR tests were
negative. I also thank God that the church brother whom I chatted with on 14th July was cleared from Covid-19 (as a close contact).

Thank the Lord Jesus for His grace, my testimony will continue in part 2.